Health Promotion

Improvement Through Education
The mission of the Health Promotion program is to assist in developing, organizing and implementing community-based health promotion/risk reduction programs. Health promotion contributes to the health of the community by enabling individuals and groups to gain greater control over the determinants of health, prevent unnecessary death, disability, and disease, and increase the span of healthy life.
How Health Promotion Helps
What does health promotion do to improve your community? Health promotion looks to improve the community in a variety of ways:
- Foster an awareness of and provide technical assistance and education and training in health promotion/risk reduction approaches for all children, adults, and older adults.
- Organize health promotion/risk reduction activities for persons 50 and above in collaboration with agencies and organizations that serve older adults.
- Facilitate and support community health promotion programs, providing technical assistance to help community members develop strategies to address their identified health issues and problems.
- Identify existing programs and assist in disseminating outcomes.
- Provide technical assistance in developing or working with community coalitions and identifying community resource for community health promotion/risk reduction.
- Provide technical assistance and education for employee wellness programming.
- Promote awareness of healthy lifestyles as an important part of a program to decrease disability from chronic conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
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