Georgia Cancer Registry

Combating Cancer
The Georgia Comprehensive Cancer Registry (GCCR) is a statewide population-based cancer registry collecting all cancer cases diagnosed among Georgia residents since January 1, 1995. This information furthers our understanding of cancer and is used to develop strategies and policies for prevention, control, and treatment. The availability of this data at the state level allows health researchers to analyze geographic, racial and other differences that provide clues that point to risk factors. This data also helps in determining where early detection, educational, or other programs should be directed.
GCCR Goals
- Collect information about new cancer diagnoses.
- Calculate Georgia’s cancer incidence rates.
- Present cancer data to the public and the healthcare community.
- Continuously identify and evaluate cancer trends and problems.
- Provide data to cancer control programs to assist in developing strategies and evaluating their effectiveness.
- Promote cancer control research.
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