Student Immunizations

School Vaccines for All Students
Georgia law requires that children enrolling in childcare or public/private school must be up to date on age-appropriate immunizations. Visit your nearest health department to find out if your child needs any additional vaccines prior to starting class.
What Vaccines Are Needed?
Student vaccination requirements are determined by age and/or grade level.
Children 4-6 years old entering Pre-K or Kindergarten must have:
- Second varicella (chicken pox) vaccine
- Second MMR vaccine
- Booster dose of DTap
- Booster dose of IPV
Children born on or after Jan. 1, 2002, who are attending 7th grade:
- One dose of Tdap
- One dose of Meningococcal conjugate vaccine
Children born on or after Jan. 1, 2002, who are new to the Georgia school system in grades 8-12:
- One dose of Tdap
- One dose of Meningococcal conjugate vaccine
College students:
Immunization requirements for college students vary by institution. Contact your student’s school to find out what immunizations your student should receive.
Make an Appointment Today
View a full summary of the Immunization Requirements for Georgia, or contact your nearest health department to ask questions and make an appointment!
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