North Central Health District


NCHD Reminds Women to Get Screened for Breast Cancer in Honor of Mother’s Day


Think of all the women in your life: mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, daughters and friends. In honor of Mother’s Day, the Georgia Department of Public Health and North Central Health District (NCHD) remind all women to get up-to-date on breast cancer screening. Breast cancer cannot be prevented, but the sooner it is detected, the more effective the treatment.

“Routine breast cancer screening is the best way to detect cancer. The earlier it’s caught, the greater chance a woman has for survival,” said Women’s Health Coordinator Megan Chapman. “Regular screening is the most reliable way to find breast cancer early. It could save your life or the life of someone you know.”

Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths for women in the United States and Georgia. Whether you know a mother or you are one, the department urges all women to take the time know their breasts and report any abnormalities to a health care provider.

The Georgia Department of Public Health and the American Cancer Society recommend:

  • All women should be familiar with how their breasts normally look and feel and report any changes to a health care provider right away.
  • All women should understand what to expect when getting a mammogram for breast cancer screening – what the test can and cannot do.
  • Women between 40 and 44 have the option to start screening with a mammogram every year.
  • Women 45 to 54 should get mammograms every year.
  • Women 55 and older can switch to a mammogram every other year, or they can choose to continue yearly mammograms.

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program within each local health department provides breast cancer screenings, diagnostic services and referrals to under-insured or uninsured women.

Only 75.5 percent of Georgia women age 40 and over had a mammogram in past two years, according to the most recent findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute. Almost a quarter of female Georgians age 40 and over are not getting tested.

This Mother’s Day, take the time to get screened and know your breasts.

Call your local health department to schedule an appointment. Visit to learn more about all the services provided by the Georgia Breast and Cervical Cancer Program.

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