North Central Health District


Board of Health

Board of Health

Providing Guidance to Our Counties

The North Central Health District includes thirteen counties in central Georgia. Each county has a Board of Health as defined by Title 31-3 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.

The primary roles of the Boards of Health are to assess the needs of the community, provide policy guidance, and exercise general oversight of the health department.  The Boards of Health also certify the county health department budget each year to the County Commission and may adopt public health rules and regulations for the county.

Boards of Health meet at least quarterly and their meetings are open to the public. Dates and times of Board of Health meetings can be found on the Upcoming Events page or call your local health department.

2025 Board of Health Meeting Schedule

Board of Health meeting minutes are public record and available for anyone to view. Please use the menu below to access the minutes for each of NCHD’s 13 county boards of health. For detail information about board of health minutes, please contact the respective health department. Disclaimer: for full copies of County Board of Health Minutes, please submit a written open records request to the respective health department.

Board of Health Minutes
Baldwin County


Monroe County


Crawford County


Peach County


Hancock County


Putnam County


Houston County


Twiggs County


Jasper County


Washington County


Jones County


Wilkinson County


Macon-Bibb County

Board of Health Composition

Board members have the important roles of advising the District Health Director on specific needs in their communities, serving as links to local government and community resources, and advocating for public health in the county.

Members Terms
1. The CEO of the county’s governing authority, or another elected member of the county governing authority that is designated by the CEO. Term expires when member leaves elected office or when CEO assigns a replacement.
2. A licensed physician actively practicing in the county. In a county with less than four physicians, or no physician practicing in the county who is willing and able to serve, a licensed nurse or dentist or another person having familiarity and concern for medical services in the county may be selected. Term expires upon completion of the six year term; will be less than six years if appointed mid-term.
3. A consumer or an advocate for consumers of health services. Term expires upon completion of the six year term; will be less than six years if appointed mid-term.
4. A consumer who will represent the needy, underpriviledged or elderly. Term expires upon completion of the six year term; will be less than six years if appointed mid-term.
5. The superintendent of the schools or a designated employee of the school system. Term expires when the superintendent or the appointing superintendent leaves office.
6. The CEO of the governing authority of the largest city in the county, or another elected member of that authority. Term expires when leaving elected office or when the CEO appoints a replacement.
7. A consumer of a licensed nurse interested in promoting public health, appointed by the governing authority of the largest city in the county. Term expires upon completion of the six year term; will be less than six years if appointed mid-term.

Compostion of County Boards of Health table

County Board of Health Members

Baldwin County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Kendrick Butts
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Dr. Janet H. Harrison*
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner David Glover
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Sherrill Jones
5. County school superintendent or designee Dr. Noris Price
6. CEO of largest city or designee Mary Parham-Copelan
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Jacquelyn Nelson**

*Board of Health Chairperson
**Vice Chairperson

Crawford County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Dale Jump
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Dr. Freddy Gaton*
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Cynthia Simpson
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Ben West**
5. County school superintendent or designee Anthony Aikens
6. CEO of largest city or designee Jay Andrews
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city VACANT

*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Hancock County Board of Health


Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Helen G. Hudson*
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Gloria Cooper
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Joan Barksdale, RN**
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Ben “Al” Butts
5. County school superintendent or designee Dr. Anton Anthony
6. CEO of largest city or designee R. Allen Haywood
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Lois Clark


*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Houston County Board of Health


Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Dan Perdue
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Larry Stewart
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Randa Parker
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Dr. Bilal Khan**
5. County school superintendent or designee Dr. Mark Scott
6. CEO of largest city or designee LaRhonda Patrick
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Daron Lee*


*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Jasper County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Don Jernigan*
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Dr. Wiley Jordan
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Mike Benton
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Carole Norris
5. County school superintendent or designee Kenny Garland**
6. CEO of largest city or designee Jenny Murphy
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city VACANT

*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Jones County Board of Health


Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Chris Wiedner
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Dr. Kara Moore
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Jennifer Goldsberry
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Leslie Coleman**
5. County school superintendent or designee Charles Lundy
6. CEO of largest city or designee Ed Barbee*
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Joni Milner

*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Macon-Bibb County Board of Health


Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Seth Clark**
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Patrice Walker
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Wade Scott
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Christopher Tsavatewa*
5. County school superintendent or designee David Gowan
6. CEO of largest city or designee Stanley Stewart
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Stacy Carr, RN


*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Monroe County Board of Health


Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Lamarcus Davis
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Dr. Jeremy Goodwin*
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Lori Starr
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Lillian Davis
5. County school superintendent or designee James Marshall Finch
6. CEO of largest city or designee Eric Wilson
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Chris Hewett**


*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Peach County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Betty Hill**
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Alfonzo Ford
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Kattie Vinson Kendrick*
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Ann Lanter
5. County school superintendent or designee Dr. Lionel Brown
6. CEO of largest city or designee Jeffery Lundy
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Juanita C. Bryant

*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Putnam County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Steve Hersey
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Dr. Robert D. Betzel, DDS
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Yvonne Harrell
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Charlotte Griffin**
5. County school superintendent or designee Derick Austin
6. CEO of largest city or designee John Reid
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Glenda Ridley*

*Board of Health Chairperson

**Vice Chairperson

Twiggs County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Ken Fowler
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Shannon Hart*
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Charles Keily
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Eima Sims
5. County school superintendent or designee Dr. Mack Bullard
6. CEO of largest city or designee Charles Williams, III
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Ellestene V. Stephens**

*Board of Health Chairperson
**Vice Chairperson

Washington County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Horace Daniel
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Dr. Jennifer Tarbutton*
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Bernice Strickland
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Janise Thompson
5. County school superintendent or designee Vickie Harden
6. CEO of largest city or designee James W. Andrews
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Martha Taylor**

*Board of Health Chairperson
**Vice Chairperson

Wilkinson County Board of Health
Position Held By
1. CEO of county or designee Anderson Ford
2. Physician appointed by County Commissioner (dentist or nurse if no physician) Chrystal Owens
3. Consumer advocate appointed by County Commissioner Monica Daniels-Drayton
4. Advocated for needy, underprivileged or elderly appointed by County Commissioner Marian Wright
5. County school superintendent or designee Dr. Angela James
6. CEO of largest city or designee April Adside-Smith*
7. Consumer or licensed nurse appointed by city Shondel Wade-Reese

*Board of Health Chairperson
**Vice Chairperson

Resources for County Board of Health Members

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