Community Health Assessment & Improvement

Using Data to Promote Change
The District Epidemiology Program focuses on systematically collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and disseminating data on chronic diseases, injuries, and environmental exposures among Georgians. Information from the section is used to design control and prevention measures, to evaluate the effectiveness of public health interventions, and to improve services to populations at greatest risk.
2022 Community Health Assessment
The 2022 Community Health Assessment (CHA) is now available for review and feedback. The community-wide health assessment, which examines the county’s health status, is intended to help shape the collaborative efforts to improve the health of residents. This year, North Central Health District’s CHA is comprehensive, covering all 13 counties in the central Georgia public health district.
NCHD Demographic Data
County Health Rankings
The County Health Rankings rank the health of nearly every county in the nation and show that much of what affects health occurs outside of the doctor’s office. The County Health Rankings confirm the critical role that factors such as education, jobs, income, and environment play in how healthy people are and how long they live. Published by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Rankings help counties understand what influences how healthy residents are and how long they will live.
The information is compiled for the Rankings by using county-level measures from a variety of national data sources. These measures are standardized and combined using scientifically-informed weights. We then rank counties by state, providing two overall ranks:
- Health outcomes: how healthy a county is now.
- Health factors: how healthy a county will be in the future.
In addition to the ranks, the Rankings provide communities with county-level data for a variety of factors that affect health such as high school graduation rates, access to healthier foods, air pollution levels, income, and rates of smoking, obesity and teen births. Based on the latest data publicly available for each county, the Rankings are unique in their ability to measure the overall health of each county in all 50 states on the multiple factors that influence health.
Use the links below to see the 2022 data for each county:
North Central Health District utilizes the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) process to conduct community health assessments, guide community health improvement planning, and engage community partnerships. To access further information regarding MAPP, contact Karen Ebey-Tessendorf and/or Amber Erickson, or access information from the National Association for City and County Health Officials.
In May 2022, the North Central Health District published the 2022 Community Health Assessment. The community-wide health assessment examined the county’s health status and was intended to help shape the collaborative efforts to improve the health of residents. To distribute the survey, five virtual presentations were held and those that participated were asked to take a survey to provide NCHD with information on what the top health concerns in the community were after being presented information on a variety of health topics. The data collected will help NCHD determine top priorities in each of the 13 counties and will assist in the district’s strategic plan and community health improvement plan goals and objectives. All responses to the survey were anonymous.
2024 Health Rankings Summary
NCHD Top 10 Health Priorities
Data Requests
The district epidemiology program processes all public health data requests in the order they are received, although preference will be given to internal programs and emergent issues. Please allow 2 weeks for processing. If you have any questions regarding your data request or about the process please email the District Epidemiologist. (NOTE: Not all data requests can be filled due to limitations on the data available)
Data Request Form
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