Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP)

Fight Back Against Cancer
The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP), was established in 1992 with funding from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and the State of Georgia. It was an expansion of the Cervical Cancer Screening Program, which was established in 1965. The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program is a statewide breast and cervical cancer early detection program that is offered by more than 200 public health clinics and selected nonprofit agencies to low income, uninsured women.
Screening Services
- Clinical breast examinations
- Pelvic examinations
- Pap tests
- Referral for mammograms (if 40 or over)
Diagnostic Follow-Up Services
Women detected with abnormal screening results are referred to participating health care providers for diagnostic and treatment services. Diagnostic services and case management may be provided at no or low cost to eligible women. The goal is that every woman who has an abnormal screening result be referred to and receive the follow-up she needs. If treatment is necessary, low-income women who are eligible may receive treatment services through the Women’s Health Medicaid Program.
- Must have an income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level
- Must have no insurance or be underinsured and not otherwise eligible for Medicaid or Medicare
- Must have been one year or more since last mammogram and/or Pap test or have symptoms suspicious of breast or cervical cancer
- Women forty years and older may be eligible for clinical breast and pelvic examinations, Pap tests, mammograms, and diagnostic evaluations, if needed
- Breast cancer screenings and follow-ups at no or low cost to uninsured and low-income women 40 to 64 years old and women 35 to 39 with symptoms of breast cancer
- Women less than 40 years of age who have abnormal Pap test results may be eligible for diagnostic evaluation services
- Women under the age of 40 may be eligible for clinical breast and pelvic examinations and Pap tests
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